
Nets are primarily used by radio amateurs to set up a pre-arranged time and frequency as a scheduled contact between club members and other radio amateurs. It is controlled by a net controller, usually  at BVARS by Chris G0UZL, who orchestrates the contacts. It is an effective way for new operators to gain experience and competence in using their radios. 4m net has proved to be highly popular and has radio amateurs from many areas calling in.

2m Net

Sunday             15:00        145.5MHz +/- 2 channels.

On 1st, 3rd and occasional 5th Tuesday during Winter Timetable we hold an informal net on 2M

Tuesday          19:30       144.330 SSB and 145.5 M +/-2 channels

4m Net (+HF)Hz

Wednesday      20:00      28.360 MHz USB

Wednesday      20:30      70.475 MHz